December 22, 2024

Prince Ojinnaka moves to save Umuaka youths.

2 min read

US based Akalite and health worker Mr Kenny Ojinnaka has resolved to save the youths of Umuaka from the social rascality that has been having a deep grip on them over the years. The Akalite who graduated from Coppin State University Baltimore, Maryland with a BA in nursing, intends to achieve this through his NGO known as Elizabeth Foundation. The NGO which is named after his late mother, Mrs Elizabeth Ojinnaka who died over 2 decades ago, is interested on mental health and health care awareness in Umuaka generally.

Already, Prince Kenny Ojinnaka has concluded plans to mobilize the youths in Umuaka especially the infamous “motorcycle boys” and build their capacity on mental health related discussions and on how to avoid mental crisis.

From Umuaka Times findings, one of the social problems Umuaka as a community faces today is the trending cases of mental health crisis among the younger ones. A document Umuaka Times obtained sometime ago reported that 10 out of every 12 young boys in Umuaka from the ages of 18 to 28 are deeply into drugs and smoking of dangerous substances. Prince Kenny Ojinnaka whose specialty is on mental health seriously lamented that nobody in Umuaka has taken bold moves to educate the younger ones on the dangers associated with drug abuse and misuse by them.

Between December and early 2023, Kenny Ojinnaka will be holding health awareness seminars and workshops at the Ojinnaka compound on how to arrest the situation and bring substance abuse in Umuaka under control. Ojinnaka pointed out that the illicit use of some substances by the youths especially “motorcycle boys” such as Met (mkpuru mmiri) needs to be seriously addressed. He frowned that the act of stigmatizing dangerous drug users in the society.

“This is something that will be condemned outrightly by any community”, Ojinnaka told Umuaka Times. On this, he advocated the need to educate the people on the subject than to stigmatize them.

Ojinnaka also hopes to set up a health library in the Ojinnaka compound where people will have access to medical books and journals. He finally urged Akalites to join him in his book drive agenda where Akalites overseas will be shipping home their text books for the purposes of assisting those at home.


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