December 22, 2024

Johnson Anyiam to chair book launch on Umuduruori geneaology.

1 min read

South African based legal pundit, Barrister Johnson Ugo Anyiam will on January 4, 2022 chair a book launch in Umuaka. The book which is about the genealogy of Umuduruoriaku Family Union of Umuezikoha Uba Umuaka Njaba LGA will be held at the Obi Duruori Oguike compound of Umuezikoha Uba Umuaka.

On the same date, Chief Anyiam would receive a merit award from Umuaka Times in recognition of his contributions towards the development and growth of Akah Aborigines, a group of Akalites based in South Africa. Chief Anyiam is the Grand Patron of the organization.

From what Umuaka Times gathered so far, every arrangement for the success of the book launch has been properly concluded and all the special invitees for the event have also been officially informed.

A lot of side attractions has also been penciled down for the big event which is the first of its kind in Umuaka Municipal Council and beyond.

Frantic efforts by the South African correspondent of Umuaka Times to reach Chief Anyiam proved abortive due to network crisis.



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