December 22, 2024

Ferdinand Ohans identifies with his people.

2 min read

An Uba Umuaka born Popular Nollywood actor, Mr. Ferdinand Ohans has appealed to Akahlites and other high profile Igbo citizens across the world to always identify with their people and cultures. Mr Ohans whose real name is Ferdinand Ohanekwu was in Umuaka during the Christmas celebrations of 2022. He told Umuaka Times that the need for people to identify and fraternize with their people and cultures is to ensure and strengthen the cultural, linguistic and social values of the Igbo as a nation and thereby market the culture to the outside world.

According to Mr Ohans who spoke with Umuaka Times at the presentation of Umuawaha women’s dance group known as Di Bu Ugo Dance Group during the celebrations, Umuawaha women have done the best they could by creating the cultural dance and presenting it to the world, it is now “left for other prominent men and women of Igboland to support such projects across Igboland”.

On the social developments taking place in Umuaka and the resilience of the people, Mr Ohans extolled the virtues of Umuaka men and women who according to him, would stop at nothing in developing their hometown. “Our people have always been useful and supportive towards creating developments in our locality. I sincerely thank them for their patriotism and the only thing I appeal to them to do is to properly identify with their culture and i9nvest in human capital development.”

Before the interview ended, Mr Ohans used the opportunity to correct an impression about his real name. He regretted that several of his fans across Nigeria usually address him as Mr Ohams, instead of Mr Ohans. “There is no letter “m” but letter “n”. The name is Ohans not Ohams.”



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