January 31, 2025

New British PM and Matters Arising.

3 min read

A high profile Akalite in Diospora (who does not want his name mentioned) early this week, took a critical look at the political turnaround in UK. Below is his observation on the former and new British Prime Minister.

United Kingdom General Election has finally come and gone still experiences and lessons from it are currently dominating global politics. Internally, many re celebrating over it while others are licking their wounds and asking questions with answers very near and far depending on what the question is and angle its come from.

One big take of the election outcome is the fact that the masses have spoken and their voices re’ not just sacrosanct but final.

It’s no more surprised to any UK political observer that, Conservatives Party (Tory) did not just lose the election but were shamefully obliterated in many of their safe constituencies, thanks to Sir. Keir Starmer, the new Prime Minister whose Labour Party won the election outrightly after fruastrating fourteen years of being in opposition and other unpopular parties like UK Reform Party led by controversial figure (Nigel Paul Farage) and UK Green Party led by Carla Denyer.

The Conservative Party who came into power by 2010 under the leadership of Mr. David Cameron after the global financial crises that ended the reign of Labour Party then led by Mr. Gordon Brown

Mr. Cameron resigned his leadership to Theresa May after he lost out of the Brexit referandum gamble who also lost out of the Brexit negotiation politics to Boris Johnson who saw to the reputational damage of Conservative Part through his unlimited lying habit to the British masses and parliament. Boris once or twice lied to the Queen and House of Lords’ members and each time he does it, Conservatives will turn a bline eyes to it as if it never mattered. Boris Johnson shamefully lied himself out of No: 10 Downing Street and was succeeded by Liz Truss who in one stroke of her power exercise plunged UK to the brink of Economic recession and subsequently lost power to Rishi Sunak who just lost this last election.

All these mentioned Tory PM(s) in one way or the other contributed directly to the reputational crises surfered by Conservative Party coupled with their attitude of neglect to the needs of the low and middle class British people and other shamble practices including Covid-19 shambolic handling. Party infighting again was another factor that worked against the Tory which led to PM Rishi Zunak calling for the impromptu election just to punish some of his party MPs who were ploting to remove him before August 2024 Party Convention. Most of them either lost their parliamentary seats in their constituencies or stepped down for opponents.The Mass were visibly tired of them and were happy that the time to sending them packiing was on the election day which closer than anticipated.

Labour on her own may have won the election but are yet to win the heart of the masses and that could have been the reason why they didn’t wait for a day before resuming work in earnest with major appointments made soon as they accepted the invitation to form Government by King Charles. Let’s assume they know the challanges and responsibilities they faced because a lot are expected of them.



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