September 20, 2024

Ambassador Cosmos Yahzitere Okoh gives vote of thanks.

1 min read

The first son of the late Mrs Grace Ugwodiye Okoh (Lolo Aba-Aghashia), Ambassador Cosmos Yahzitere Okoh has issued a vote of thanks to all the people and organizations who took part in one way or another during the burial of his late mother which took place in Ndiokwu Ibele on Tuesday August 27, 2024.

In a press statement the chief mourner issued on behalf of the family and made available to Umuaka Times, he specifically thanked his kinsmen and women, as well as the youths who took part during the burial.

Another group that was appreciated for her role was the members of Yahweh church who came all the way from Port Harcourt Rivers State to grace the event.

The members of UN Volunteers group who sent in their condolence messages from many countries of the world and others who sent in theirs from Nigeria were also appreciated for their roles.

“The list will continue to go on and on if I will continue but the individuals and groups I did not mention their names, I appreciate you all and I pray to Yahweh to continue to protect and bless you all.”



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