September 29, 2024

Family and friends celebrate Pastor Uche Udochukwu as he marks his 2024 birthday.

3 min read

The lead pastor and the General Overseer of Alpha Calvary Missionary Church located in Uba Umuaka, Pastor Uche Udochukwu last week Sunday, September 15 2024 marked his birthday amidst several worshippers who came from near and far to celebrate and pray for their pastor. By the time the church service began, the church auditorium had filled to the brim as other branches of the church took part in the celebration as the church held only one service.

By 11:45 am, the church announced the presence of a guest preacher by name Pastor Unamma who mounted the podium immediately and went to work with the Word of God. As he preached, Umuaka Times reporters in the auditorium observed an undiluted attention from the worshippers who keenly listened to the vibrant man of God.

When the service came to a close, the main event of the day fully began. In no little time, the anchor of the program requested church members to go out and usher in the celebrator Pastor Uche Udochukwu. Choir members, Alpha Calvary youths, women groups and family members in the church went out to usher in the man of God. In few minutes time, all the guests at the occasion were seated with their host otherwise known as the “birthday boy”.

The church members sang songs for the celebrating pastor, wished him happy birthday and one of the pastors in the service conducted prayers of blessings and many more years for him. The cutting of the beautiful birthday cake was another segment of the event that brought many people very close to the pastor. The master of the ceremony invited some top church members, family and friends to witness the cutting of the cake. This was done at the full view of everyone as everyone cheered the man of God when he and others cut the birthday cake.

After the prayer session, time for presentation of gifts was another part of the reach celebration. Different groups in the church took turn after turn as they presented their gifts to the birthday boy.

Gifts included envelopes, portrait and cash. As the gifts were coming, prayers and blessings were also offered for the presenters by the man of God.

Another interesting segment of the program was the presentation of certificates of excellence to some deserving church members. Men and women members of the church who have worked and uplifted the church in diverse ways were recognized as the pastor called them out one after the other to receive their awards.

Before the event came to an end, Barrister Goddy Udeagwu, a family member of the celebrater and a representative of the Udeagwu family, took the microphone and thanked the church members and others who despite their heavy schedules came to celebrate and thank God for the wonderful man of God. He disclosed that the entire Udeagwu family felt highly honoured by the kind gesture.

At the close of the event, after both light and heavy refreshments, the man of God expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to all the people who made it to the event and eventually prayed for them. According to Umuaka Times correspondents who covered the event, the 2024 edition of the birthday celebration of Pastor Uche Udochukwu was indeed a spectacular event where church members, family and friends displayed their love for their father in the lord. Happy birthday to you Pastor Udochukwu, from Umuaka Times as well.





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