October 16, 2024

The Biography of Duru Wilbird Anaeleuwa Onyeanuna.

2 min read

This is the most important way to look at the life and time and suddenness of the exit from this painful life of our brother, uncle, WILBOARD ANAELEUWA ONYEANUNA.

BIRTH: Born to the family – of Late Oliver Onyenanu and Agnes Onyeanu (Nee Agnes Mbaegbu) of Umugwueze Emeke Agbala on the 3 of Sept. 1932. Late Duru Wilbird Anaeleuwa Onyeanuna was a spectacular child. He was a strong man and fearless and always in the forefront in his educational career which he always took first position in any exams he wrote during their times in Agbala Community School and obtained standard six certificate.

Still in education, our Daddy attended World Bible School and after his courses he preaches the Word of God perfectly to people that love God.

OCCUPATION: Daddy lives in Kano State with his family for many years working with Matches Industry at Kopa Mata Kano State before his retirement in the year 1991, and later- returned back to his professional work as a builder, architecture and a general contractor. As a good contractor, daddy has built twenty story building in Lagos State and Imo State. Technical College (GTC) Owerri in early 90s. Our daddy was also an expert driver which he has driven both long vehicle and different types of vehicles during his life time. He is given a title as DURU ONE.

MARITAL STATUS: As his time God gave him a peaceful beautiful and loving woman LATE LOLO MRS. STELLA NNORUONWA ONYEANUNA with a wonderful father in – law Late James Okereocha Okere in Ohi Egbelu Agbala . She was crowned as Ezinne Nwereugwu . Our Late Father and our Late Mother loves themselves very well and God bless them with nine children five male and four female all are alive.

CHRISTIAN LIFE: Daddy was a strong believer in God and preached vehemently against the doctrines of men especially in area of financial demand. Daddy is an active member in church both in Christian fathers and other societies in the church. He is a peacemaker and stand on the truth. He loves children so much which they normally called him: OGBU MMA jokingly.

LAST DAYS: He always prayed to God to grant him a smooth and easy exit from the state of life whenever God granted it. As his name ANAELEUWA, we thank the Almighty God to grant His soul heaven at last to give him a perpetual rest in peace in Jesus Name, Amen. Adieu papa, you will always remain in our heart forever, Amen .

Signed: Mr. Stanley Kelechi Onyeanuna

For the family.



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