December 22, 2024

Dr Chika Ugbaja motivates Merit students.

2 min read

Welcome to Merit College of Nursing Sciences (MCNS). I want to commend you on your decision to begin or continue your educational endeavors towards a professional nursing degree. As a nursing program embedded within a college based on health sciences, our faculty are uniquely qualified to help you learn to apply knowledge humanely, intelligently, and effectively in our complex changing world. Healthcare delivery requires nurses to commit to lifelong learning, acknowledge the need for continual updates of knowledge and competency throughout one’s career, and embrace complexity and change. Therefore, our faculty strive to prepare graduates as adaptable and flexible learners who consistent with our college of Nursing vision become “…leaders who use evidence-based knowledge to practice nursing with creativity, compassion, and commitment”.

Merit College of Nursing is a rigorous learning environment where you will be academically challenged, but also supported in a caring and innovative educational environment. You are fortunate to be taught by an extremely dedicated cadre of faculty, who are nationally and internationally recognized for their scholarship, leadership, and scientific achievements. Utilize these role models as you develop into the next generation of nurse leaders. I encourage you to embrace every educational opportunity as an engaged learner; bring your intellectual curiosity and a spirit of inquiry to each classroom, laboratory, simulation, and clinical encounter. Finally, nursing is a rewarding career, but also requires deliberate time for regular self-care and reflection on your practice. Make these practices a habit throughout your career, so you will remain invigorated and passionate about your nursing work.

I hope you take full advantage of the many resources and opportunities Merit College has to offer. Begin by reading this students Policy and Information Booklet. This resource contains vital information which is reviewed and revised annually to reflect current changes and trends. You should also access campus-wide support services including Advising and Academic Success, The Queens Library, Media, Technology, and Simulation.

Lastly, this is your College of Nursing and your educational journey, so I urge you to be an active member of our community; join the Merit College Student Nurses Association and/or our Men in Nursing Club or consider volunteering on a school committee. Please know that your voice and input matters to us and we want to work collaboratively to ensure your satisfaction with our School and to support your successful progression in your nursing degree program.

Best wishes for an enjoyable and productive year.





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