February 23, 2025

A Tribute to My Extraordinary Stepmother. By Theodore Obii Izunwa, stepson.

2 min read

Time and space constrain me to adequately and satisfactorily eulogize, Mama Grace’s amazing life of faith and sterling qualities. Retrospection on her life and times, my heart is full of thanks for the unusual and great sacrifices you made for the gospel of Christ in our family and this community at large. Thanks for your courage, your humility, love, gentleness and peaceful disposition. You were a woman of great strength. Your life of humble submission to our late father was exemplary, like that of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. You took my late mother as you ‘elder twin sister’ in the Lord. I can recall vividly how you and mum made and wore uniform dresses for yourselves. It was rare and unprecedented. I never witnessed or heard about any altercation or enmity between you and anyone. Thanks for your great discipline in raising up godly children, spiritual giants; Glory to God.

Mama, you were more than a mere stepmother to me. You were my second mother. You cared for me in every respect. Thanks also for confiding in me. For flying very high the banner of peaceful coexistence and love, in the entire Izunwa family, I salute you. You were God’s vessel of honor. A formidable praying entity, preacher and gifted woman. You had a zero tolerance for indiscipline. I would choose you again, if it were a possibility, as mother. Mama Grace, you have fought the good fight of faith. You have finished your course you have kept the faith. (2Tim. 4:7). Today, the Lord has honored you for honoring His holy name. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. (Psalm 116:15). Blissfully rest in Him; Amen.


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