March 28, 2025

A Tribute to My Icon By Godswill Ginikachi Onwuka.

1 min read

Death like the Bible said reigned till the law came. This became inevitable because of the bondage of the fear of death but through knowledge shall the righteous be delivered so for the righteous death now becomes a gain and a loss to the world.

The world has lost a righteous man on God’s request what a conquest ! Daddy my ICON, u were a GOOD man and a responsible father a man of TRUTH and PEACE beyond measures an icon of Christianity, a lover n doer of the WORD you preached. I mourn you my ICON but not without HOPE. Your legacies and this baton of leadership that you have handed over to me will continue to RADIATE all the virtues and morals you taught us. DAD as I canvass thoroughly seriating and observing all the transactions that have ensued, noting all your words in phases and in sizes WISDOM was all I could deduce from all your DEEDS and NAMES. Adieu my father, My ICON a big lost to this world, UMUDIM ACHARA UMUAKA at large. You fought a good fight and you finished your course a CROWN of GLORY awaits you glorious arrival. Thank you for showing us the way of God and the WORD of GOD. Rest well in the bosom of the LORD. We shall catch up with u in the first flight.


Adieu…….onye udo


Your first son




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