December 21, 2024

A Tribute to Sir Christopher Amanze Onyenanu (KSM) (Onye Army).

2 min read

My father-in-law (Ogom) Sir Christopher Amanze Onyenanu (KSM) (Onye Army), I am saddened by the news of your death which has left a big vacuum in our lives. It is sad to feel that you are no more with us on earth, but your love and peaceful memories will remain our guide always. Your endless love will continue to bind us together. I believe when God calls us home, we will rejoice with you again in heaven. My father-in-law (OGOM) as I fondly address him, Sir Christopher Amanze Onyenanu (KSM) welcomed me to his family as a son.

He was very kind to me and always treated me with utmost respect and love. I knew him to be very religious with principles and integrity. I will remember my father-in-law, Sir Christopher Amanze Onyenanu mostly for the discipline he bestowed on his children. My wife Eziada Lolo Angela Nwabuzor Ikeme (nee Onyenanu) being one of the children I became a beneficiary of this very important attribute of his.

I will forever be grateful to him for the upbringing of my wife and accepting me to the family. In one of my recent conversations with him, he made one and only request from me and I quote, “OGOM, PLEASE TAKE CARE OF MY DAUGHTER”. I promised him I will and that’s what I will do.

Ogom, may your soul continue to Rest in Peace.

Adieu! Adieu! Adieu!

Engr./Chief Goddy Ikeme.Son-in-law.



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