February 8, 2025

Akah Ebe Iri stabbed victim Uche Amadi cries for help.

2 min read

Mr Uche Amadi, the boy who was stabbed by a security officer attached to Akah Ebe Iri Neighbourhood Watch last week cried out for help as his health situation took a dangerous dimension. In a message sent to Umuaka Times by Amadi last week, he bitterly complained that after he was discharged from the Santa Maria Hospital Obinwanne, the commander of the security outfit, Mr Ikenna Ibekwe visited him and dropped the sum of N10,000 for his upkeep. From that day till date, Amadi confirmed to Umuaka Times that none of the members of the outfit had visited him nor called him to know how he was fairing.

Mr Uche Amadi falls among the group of Nigerians who can only afford to eat if they go to work. Any day they fail to work, there will be no food for them and their families. Hear him: “My wife is pregnant. I am a family man with a child. I have not gone to work since the day this incident took place. I can’t even start work from now till the next 3 months because I am still in the healing process of the surgery. I appeal to Umuaka people to come to my aid because the surgery I had is trying to result to another thing if proper care is not taken.”

From the pictures Amadi sent to Umuaka Times showing the particular spot he was stabbed, the surface of the injury did not in any way look nice. Instead of responding to treatment, the injury was expanding. Some medical experts who spoke with Umuaka Times about the poor healing process expressed reservations that the possibility of infection may be expected if proper care is not taken.

On another hand, some Akalites have so far been responding to the call by Mr Uche Amadi to come to his aid. Just yesterday being Saturday September 9 2023, Amadi went to Njaba Police Division and the police took his statement. According to him, the man who invited the Aka Ebe Iri Security team is still on the run.

As it presently stands, Uche Amadi, the victim of Aka Ebe Iri stabbing saga needs your help to be alive. Donations are being received via Umuaka Times.



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