January 22, 2025

Akalites in South Africa build nurses’ quarters in Umuaka.

2 min read

Comrade Sydney  Okpoko, the current president of  Umuaka Aborigines in South Africa, the past regimes of the organization and the current executives and members of Umuaka Aborigines in South Africa have built nurses’ quarters at the Umuaka Ebe Iri Health Centre located in Afor Umuaka.  Although the buildings are yet to be completed but the South African Akalites have been able to sustain the construction to the roofing level. The roofing of the buildings was done a couple of days ago. According to what Umuaka Times gathered from Mr Uzoma Orgazi, a former president of the organization, it was in 2017 that the late Eze Ojinnaka with Mr Eugene Nwaiwu approached him and complained that there was a need for the community to build nurses’ quarters at the health centre. The royal father complained that Umuaka women were using maternities outside Umuaka for their pregnancy and delivery needs.

The worst case scenario was that because there was no accommodation for the nurses who work at the clinic, women who might go into labour at the dead of the night would not get medical assistance as at when due.

When Mr Orgazi went back to South Africa, he tabled the matter before other Akalites and they bought the idea. Work immediately began on the project. When Orgazi’s term came to an end, Chief Okey Onwunaru became the new president and continued the project. Sir Sydney Okpoko, the current president of the organization also continued from where his predecessors stopped.

Just recently,  Attorney Johnson Anyiam donated more than N2 million for the roofing of the buildings and the building committee immediately carried out the assignment successfully. As it stands now, Umuaka Times was reliably informed that the buildings will be completed and commissioned in the next two months which will be around February 2022.

Every Akalite who is a member of the union of Akah Aborigines in South Africa indeed tried to make this dream a reality but there are other Akalites Umuaka Times gathered who did their best in the project. The list includes, Rev Emma Onyemepu, Chief Okey Makossa Onwunaru, Sir Sydney Okpoko, Mr Uzoma Orgazi,  Mr Modestus Njoku and others who did their best to ensure the success of the project.

The building committee members who saw the success of this project include, Patron, Chief Okey Onwunaru, aka OK Makossa. He was the chairman of the building committee. Patron, Rev. Emma Onyemepu Patron, Modestus Njoku. Patron, Vitalis Obioha .Sydney Okpoko- Chairman AAA and Mr Uzoma Orgazi an ex-chairman of the union. Locally, Mr Eugene Nwaiwu was the foot soldier who took the task beyond measures.


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