February 24, 2025

An update on Okeosisi football tournament.

2 min read

High profile businessman, philanthropist, chieftaincy title holder, Ekwe born community integration advocate and the founder, Okeosisi Humanitarian Foundation, Comrade Henry Ekene Ibejiuba, the Okeosisi of Isu has released the kick-off dates of his NINN 2023 football tournament, tagged Unity in Diversity.

According to a document a close confident of the multimillionaire businessman made available to Umuaka Times early last week, the football tournament has already begun from October 28 2023. The venue of the first leg of the tournament was Community School Amaigbo. On October 29, the field of St Catherine’s Catholic Church Nkwerri played host for the second segment of the soccer fiesta while on 4th November 2023, the football field of National School Ugbele in Umuaka Municipal Council was where the soccer event was held. On 5th November 2023, the Central School Umundugba will play host to the semifinals of the tournament while on December 30th, the finals of the soccer fiesta has been fixed to hold in Central School Umundugba.

According to Umuaka Times sports correspondent, efforts to reach Okeosisi (the Big Tree) were not successful but the close confidant of the versatile businessman disclosed that the football tournament sponsored by the high profile businessman has lasted for some years and still ongoing.

On what prompted the philanthropist to go into the promotion of football and sporting activities in the NINN area of the state, the source confirmed to Umuaka Times that Okeosisi is someone who has a strong belief in the capacity building of the youths in Imo State and beyond. “He is doing all this to make sure that our youths will give their lives a strong meaning and usefulness.”

For now, nobody is sure of the community that will eventually go home with the highly exulted Okeosisi football cup on December 30th 2023. Only time will tell for the lucky community.



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