Former students of High School Umuaka who graduated in 1985 otherwise known as Unique 85 were among those who played...
The 1978 set of Old Boys’ Association High School Umuaka (St Saviour’s College then) was among several organizations that came...
Οh Prince, where are you? Where do we begin to search? Where do we begin to mourn the unmournable? Where...
Chief Prince Jude Chidi Anyaibe , my love, my happiness, my life and my joy who became my Daddy after...
High profile chief and the head of Anyaibe family, Chief Christopher Anyaibe, the Nna Nyereugo the second of Umuaka has...
There is no easy way to describe the type of father you were to me as I grew up all...
Brother: we are now boarding for Washington DC Me: oh that's quite a short layover. Ijeoma nu! Call me when...
(OCHASI NNANYERUGO 1 OF Umuaka) January 1959 - January 2024. Chief Prince Jude C Anyaibe (Ochasi Nnanyereugo 1of Umuaka Ancient...
Prince Jude Anyaibe, the Ochasi Nnanyereugo 1 of Umuaka lived a life most people can describe as a candle in...