Umuaka Times newspapers recently stumbled into a community in Enugu State known and officially addressed as Umuaka. The Enugu Umuaka...
A combined team of police men, NDLEA and National Security and Civil Defence Corps NSCDC, has been arrested for extortions...
Labour Party’s house is on fire! The State and National Assembly Election Petition Tribunal has seriously hit the Peter Obi...
The Amiyi Akah Autonomous Community recently added another Catholic Reverend Father to its long list of reverend fathers. The newly...
Chief Louis Duru, an outspoken crusader for democracy and justice in Imo State has congratulated the newly ordained Catholic priest...
Ekwe Dum Neighbourhood Security Network, a security team in the entire Ekwe autonomous communities last week arrested a criminal syndicate...
The last Executive Chairman of Njaba LGA and the current Government Liaison Officer of Umuaka Ward 1, cum the coordinator...
A former international footballer of French and Nigerian (Umuaka) origin Mr Jean François Merdy has floated a football academy in...
The royal father of Amiyi Akah Autonomous Community, HRH Eze Francis Okechukwu Ahanotu has donated a cup for football tournament...
US based medical doctor and high profile Akalite Dr Iyke Durugbo has issued a medical advisory to Umuaka and other...