January 23, 2025

Being a Brother’s Keeper.

2 min read

By Dr Albert Okunwa.

There is ample evidence to support the assertion that Umuaka city is presently facing security challenges. Recently, there was news that some suspected Fulani herdsmen were spotted around “Ikpawama” bush between Obinwanne and Umuezeala Uba communities. At the time of writing this article, the report is that the youths of Obinwanne community have diligently searched the bush in the area mentioned above without finding any trace of the suspects. Bravo for their gallant efforts!

Be that as it may, we should not conclude that they are gone. However, everyone should be very careful, alert, and observant in their movements while paying attention to all activities in and around their surroundings. Any suspicious persons or activities observed should be reported immediately to the appropriate quarters for necessary actions. As the saying goes, “one who is surrounded by enemies should be on guard at all times.” Moreover, one wise adage has it that if spiders cooperate among themselves, they can tie up a lion. Hence, this clarion call for Uba and Obinwanne youths to work together in this onerous task of defending their communities against external attack by Fulani terrorists.

We should not allow the Fulani herdsmen to infiltrate our forests knowing what they are capable of doing to our farms, farmers, crops, and people. Their ultimate ambition is to kill, maim, displace, and occupy our lands in perpetuity. God forbid! While imploring our youths to remain vigilant in the face of this unwarranted Fulani invasion, I must also ask our prayer warriors to continue to pray fervently for divine intervention. No one wants to experience another person forcibly evicting them from their homes with impunity. Even a report to the police or military personnel appears to yield no remedy, if at all.

Therefore, we must as a matter of facing reality, resort to self help and cooperation by being our brother’s keeper. Thank you for your time.

Dr Albert Okunwa who holds several chieftaincy titles including Ugobuzuo 1 of Umuaka, writes from the United Sates.


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