January 24, 2025

Books: Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye “confronts” corrupt politicians.

2 min read

Books: Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye “confronts” corrupt politicians.

Book title: Nigeria: Why the Looting May Not Stop.

Author: Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye

Setting: Nigeria.

Publishers: Oasis of Greatness Publishers Benin City

Year: 2020.

Clear-cut man of God, constructive journalist, commentator on national issues, motivational speaker, author and a high breed Akalite, Ugochukwu Ejinkeonye has given an insight into why he wrote a book on corruption in the country.

In a chat with Umuaka Times, Ejinkeonye whose highly intellectual articles are published by notable newspapers in and outside Nigeria lamented that his motivation for writing the book was as a result of the huge societal decay that has engulfed the entire nation especially from the political class. ‘‘The book was motivated by the enduring mediocrity and moral bankruptcy that are too evident, and have continued to plague the governance of this country. Public office has become the easiest route to unearned wealth.’’

Ejinkeonye is not a critic without solutions. He further stressed in the book, the need for the citizens of Nigeria to gather the political will and social momentum required to effect the change needed to inspire the country to greater heights. “The book aims at provoking Nigerians enough for them to seek a paradigm shift, that is, follow peaceful and democratic processes to reclaim their country from the band thieves holding her hostage.”

The Oasis of Greatness Publishers Benin City, which published the book, did a good job in the page planning and presentation of the book. Already, Nigeria: Why the Looting May Not Stop is making waves. Some news media organizations have reviewed the book including some publications outside Nigeria.

While answering questions from Umuaka Times, Ejinkeonye ruled out the launching or the public presentation of the book because in his own opinion, it is still the same looting politicians he has seriously attacked and indicted in the book that would come for the launching.

Please click on the link below and read more about the book.



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