February 24, 2025

Celdors Floats  Charity Foundation.

2 min read

Before the reward of the contributing members of Celdors at the event in Umuaka which was held on Saturday December 19, 2020, it was announced to the audience that a charitable foundation called Nneoma Angelina Charitable Foundation would be unveiled at the event. The new foundation, which started doing charity works on December 22, 2020, has been described as the charity arm of Celdors by some observers and members of the firm. About 40 persons who needed assistance were attended to on the day the foundation became a reality.


According to Mrs. Dora Egbule, the founder of CELDORS,  the charity foundation was named after her mother, the late Nneoma Angelina Ugbaja. The late Mrs. Ugbaja  Umuaka Times learnt, was to a large extent known for her charity works in the community during her lifetime. The foundation was therefore floated in remembrance and honour of her kind gestures and the continuation of charity works the woman was known for especially, to the struggling women and widows the community.


Activities such as the alleviation of hardship and hunger, promotion of education of talented students from financially weak families formed the bedrock of the Nneoma Angelina Charitable Foundation.  The foundation for now gives food items, shelter, clothing, items that promote good health, and educational funds to the less privileged.

While addressing an Umuaka Times reporter who called on Mrs. Egbule few days after the event, she told Umuaka Times that the foundation is different from Celdors because it is not a financial institution but a registered non- profit outfit. She further used the Umuaka Times medium and reached out to public spirited individuals and corporate bodies in and outside Nigeria that donations to encourage the works of the foundations will be appreciated.



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