September 20, 2024

Chief Ambrose Ugochukwu sends vote of thanks to his guests.

1 min read

The Amiyi Akah born chieftaincy title holder, Chief Ambrose Okorie Ugochukwu, the Ikukuoma 1 of Amiyi Akah has issued his special vote of thanks to all the persons and groups who made it to the event of bringing home of his chieftaincy title last week Sunday being July 28, 2024 memorable.

First on his list was Chief Julius Ezeta, the Ezenwata 1 of Umuaka. According to Chief Okorie, Chief Ezeta was his chieftaincy title sponsor and he played a prominent role during the event.

The Mmirioma went further and thanked the Amiyi Council of Chiefs, United Brothers of Amiyi, Umuakpuru Diaspora, Ndiuhu women, Amiyi chairmen and secretaries of villages, Ndihu men and women and Umuada Amiyi Akah for the different roles they played during the event last week.

The masters of ceremony, live band and others who provided one form of service or another before, during and after the event were specially thanked for their roles by Chief Ugochukwu and his wife. He prayed to God to lead every guest home safely at the end of the event.



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