Chief Orisakwe recommends Know-Your-Tenant option in Umuaka.
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Following the successful abduction of four little children in Umuaka, a couple of weeks ago and the careless role played by a house agent and others, a high profile Akalite has advocated a template to be used by landlords and landladies in the community in order to prevent such ugly incidents from reoccurring. Chief Cletus C. Orisakwe, the Ugogbuzuo 1 of Isiozi-Akah and a well-respected social commentator has made an advocacy which involves what he described as Know Your Tenant, KYT, as a measure to bring a lasting solution to the ugly incident child abductions in the community.
In a post Chief Orisakwe submitted at Umuaka Times Institute UTI, shortly after the incident, he lamented that the abduction of the four innocent children from Amakor Autonomous Community was successful because the actors caught in the incident failed to play their roles very well. In his words, Chief Orisakwe observed thus: “This unfortunate incident should serve as an eye opener to community leaders with regards to the processes and conditions a potential tenant would meet before renting a house or an apartment.”
He listed some of the conditions under what he called Know Your Tenant policy.
Some of the processes and conditions according to Chief Orisakwe are as follows:
1. Communities and landlords should print “Tenancy Identification Forms, for would-be tenants to fill before parking in.
The Form should take a format like: 1. Full names of the individual. 2. Occupation. 3. Place of work or office. 4. Community of origin. 5. Local government of origin. 5. State of origin. 6. Marital status. 7. Two guarantors.
“This form is to be picked by the landlord and passed to his tenants to fill, after which the landlord will counter-sign and submit to the Town Union Executives to file.”
Chief Orisakwe strongly believes that “this measure if considered could help to checkmate this aspect of crimes in our communities.”
Meanwhile there is no clue so far on the whereabouts of the abducted 4 kids from Amakor Autonomous Community in the last two weeks.