February 27, 2025

Climate Change hits Umuaka

2 min read

For some years now, the world has been carrying out the campaign to control global warming through global warning. This campaign has reached all corners of the globe especially in the developed and developing countries. Green house emissions and other forms of emissions have been “indicted” as the primary cause of this global emergency.

In the past years during Christmas celebration periods, harmattan usually sets in at the beginning of December and blows till the end of January and beyond but this time around, the year 2020, harmattan has bluntly refused to take its cause. Many comedians have claimed that the harmattan was afraid of the dreaded Coronavirus and that is why it has refused to blossom. In Umuaka community and indeed throughout the entire South East Nigeria, the story is the same. No sign of harmattan except early in the morning when some people feel some little cold.

From what Umuaka Times gathered, the change in the atmosphere is as a result of the global worming and this calls for an urgent intervention by the state and other stakeholders. For over 10 years running, Akuta Chinedu, a UK based environmentalist has been personally funding some tree planting campaigns across Nigeria and Africa. From the look of things, people did not take his campaigns seriously. The atmosphere in the South East Nigeria failed to usher in the harmattan because the people did not do what they were supposed to do to checkmate global warming.

Perhaps the world is facing an extinction which no one knows when it will totality wipe out the entire universe through global warming.

Many people in Umuaka who do not know about global warming, have been asking why harmattan refused to come in this year of 2020. People gfo to bed and before morning, they come out about two or three times to take showers. It is not late to start fighting the climate change the best way we can.

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