March 28, 2025

Clubs that participated in the wedding.

2 min read

The success the wedding ceremonies of Dr Sanctus Okey Orgazi and his wife Judith recorded last week was made possible by a legion of factors. Money, strategic planning, sound organization as well as several individuals played vital roles before, during and after the event. According to the Umuaka Times correspondent in the United States, there were also several other persons who played some major roles under the auspices of the organizations they all belonged to.

First among the organizations is Akah National Union, Dallas Texas. This organization in its characteristic manner, did her best possible and identified with her member Mr and Mrs Sanctus Orgazi. Another group that participated immensely was the famous Nigerian Tennis Club of Dallas Texas. This organization did its best also and made sure that everything went as planned in the areas it had some interest during the event.

The dynamic Odenigbo Culture Club of USA which Orgazi belongs to was another club that had a conscious presence throughout the three day ceremonies. The members of the organization according to what Umuaka Times gathered, did their best before and during the event. The Elites Club International is another group or social club which most of its members took part in the planning and execution of the ceremonies. Finally but not the least, is Parliament Social Club.

The members of this club did their best once again to make sure that their member would receive the right honour due to him. The club was able to achieve the maximum of its objectives during the event. There were other organizations especially women groups and some other church groups that were in attendance during the event, they all worked towards making the event a huge success. Dr Orgazi and his wife appreciated the contributions made by these clubs in diverse ways and thanked them immensely.



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