March 29, 2025

Cosmos Okoh calls for the abolition of Christianity and Islam.

8 min read

Controversial spiritualist and chieftaincy title holder Chief Cosmos Chizitere Okoh is at it again. This time around, he has called for the prompt abolition of Christianity and Islam so that peace will reign in Nigeria. Read on and understand why he made the call.


Editor(Question) Sir, in our current landmark discussion on defects of religion on African development, you admitted that you are a religious person and indeed one of the strong stakeholders in your religious sect. At the same time and despite being stakeholder, you advocated for abolition of Christianity and Islam; is it not contradictory?

Permit me to start with my little token of appreciation to the Editor and Board of Management of Umuaka Times Institute for their display of professional journalism embroidered with liberal and systematic approach that offers equal opportunities for all shades of ideas on issues of life.

On your question, I am indeed religious, but more of a spiritual person. Spirituality and religion are interwoven and exchangeable in various aspects but there are specific differences between both.

Spirituality can be clearly understood as acts of spirits towards humans, while religion deals with acts of men towards appeasing or worship of spirits. In spirituality, spirits design their paths and possess persons as agents, mediums or prophets to lead the ways. Religions emerge when experiences that people gather in their search for unknown and supernatural are assembled as doctrines, creeds and dogmas for worship and esteem of a particular spirit or elementals. That’s reason people worship all sorts of things in their religious schisms.

Good submissions but you have not answered the question sir.

Again, in many occasions, spiritual paths are diverted and corrupted into political religions to serve interests of people on power.

How do you mean exactly?

Let me use Abrahamic religions as to prove my thesis. From the beginning, Yahweh as a spirit who deals with humans through prophets. In any age that his path became unclear, he would raise another prophet to restore and guide people into righteousness. This method remains unbroken till date. For example, Enoch, Lameck, Noah were all prophets of old.

Can you give one more example?

When his path closed, he appointed Meshiyach Zedekayah that was corrupted as Melchizedek from the tribe of Yahphet (Mongoloids) who restored the path and ordained Abraham as one of the pioneers of faith. The ordination of Abraham served as transferring of the scepter to the linage of Shem (Caucasians). The scepter lingered amongst Shemites as they produced successive linage of prophets that ended by the coming of Yahoshea Meshiyach whom the Romans changed as Jesus Christ.

So what do you call all these?

This is exactly how spiritual paths go on from one generational dispensation to others. When Yahoshea ministered, his teachings and ways were entirely spiritual. After his exit alongside his Apostles, many worldly elites from Greeks, Carthage and Rome took over the ministry and turned it into Christianity. All spiritual practices by prophets, Yahoshea and Apostles were twisted and exchanged with doctrines, creeds, decrees and dogmas designed by men on authorities.

And finally?

The Acts of Spirits were changed with Decrees raised from people’s convened Councils etc. All truths handed to men through prophets were corrupted. This is where we lost it all. Christianity is a fake religious sect that forcefully supplanted the way of Yahoshea or Yahosheanism.

Many people will not agree with you on this. Can you drive to your point properly?

During 7th Century Ad, Mohamed for Arabia rose to claim the position of the Comforter or Prophet. He joined in a league with Ebonites who were splinter sect from Yahosheanism to form Islam. So, both Christianity and Islam are Acts of humans that strove to take over the spirit path of prophets and Yahoshea. These sects have brought calamities upon calamities upon humanity. Their stronghold to political energies of the globe has made the earth uncomfortable and unsafe for habitations. This is the fact.

Can this be why you want the two religions abolished?

Untill men move back to the Acts of Prophets, Yahoshea and Apostles as manifested in the person of Prophet Yahmarabhi (truly appointed Comforter) of this age, the world won’t know peace. As a disciple of Prophet Yahmarabhi, I speak without any fear that Christianity and Islam should be abolished for Yahosheanism to take its right place. You can now get my answer that I didn’t contradict myself.

Ok, please tell us the difference between spirituality and religion.

As I explained, spirituality is a spirit arranged way to relate with humans while religion is man’s arranged movement to reach to a spirit. Like I mentioned, Yahweh is King of all spirits amongst all creationist sects. All persons, families, communities, tribes reserve the position of highest spirit king to the maker of heaven and earth. In all of the settings, he is presented as a muscling from whom all things came into existence and to him all things return.

So this king of all spirits, what is his correct name?

Although, the Creator is named in various languages and dialects but that is contrary to his commandments on usage of his personal name which he specifically revealed as Yahweh to all of his Prophets.

All traditions, cultures and customs recognize his existence as the Supreme Being but in all times made changes of his name Yahweh into their various languages. Since men are authors of earthly languages, they are invariably creators of the names they address the ultimate Creator in their languages. Whence, men design matters of spirit, it becomes religious, customary, traditional or cultural. Men can’t design spiritual things. For example, the ancient Igbos designed oracles like Amadioha, Ani (Ala), Njaba, Mmuo Mmiri, Chukwu Ibinu Okpabi, Ogwugwu etc. These oracles bear their names in Igbo language. This is simple evidence that they were created by Igbos at different ages. Likewise Yorubas, Hausas, Ijaws have theirs that are bearing their names in their languages.

So is there any spirit that was not created by humans?

The only spirit that no human created is Yahweh because the name existed before creations. The name is totally spiritual. Some scholars claim that the name Yahweh originated amongst the Hebrews. That is fallacy because trillions of years before creations, the celestial Messengers had adored Yahweh the creator through their exclamation of HalleluYah which means Praise You Yah.

Can you tell us when this name was introduced to humanity?

During creations, the name was introduced to Adam and all Prophets that came after him. These Prophets came before birth of Abraham that is the patriarch to Hebrew. So, everything about Yahweh including his name, laws, creeds, doctrines, ecclesiastical, eschatologies etc are spiritual. But, all of such essences that attached to Gods of Nations are religious because they’re man made.

Are you saying that all languages were made by men of the earth? What is the belief of your sect on the Biblical tower of Babel where all languages changed?

Truly the Biblical account of Tower of Babel is one of the fallacies that made their way into the scriptures. Every tribal language originated from the tribe. Languages are acts of humanity’s creativity. Many languages have come and gone. Some of the existing languages of today may not have existed for about two thousand years aback. It’s totally impossible for a language to remain static for thousands of years. They pass through modifications due to transmigration, cohabitation, colonialism etc. For example, Europeans introduced colonialism to West Africa by less than two centuries ago. Along the way, they introduced their English language as medium of communication. Shortly, the people of West Africa remodeled the English to Pigeon English which even people from Britain cannot understand. Igbo language itself had overtime Lost its original form and the language is being mixed with English.

Tell us more about the Tower of Babel.

To help you out of the mythical Tower of Babel account, how many people do you think existed during that age? The same accounted that the event happened in the days of Nimrod who was great grandson to Noah. How many do you think that a family of three sons will produce in four generations? Can the family produce more than 300 people in four generations as we can count from Noah to Nimrod?

If 300 people were building the tower and their languages changed to 300, how many languages do we have on earth now? We have more than four hundred languages in Nigeria. If the episode of Nimrod’s Tower brought 300 languages, how did other thousands of languages come to exist? Prophet Yahmarabhi dismissed the story of Tower of Babel as mythology. Thank you.

How do you think the world would look like if Christianity etc are scrapped?

Truly, the world will be a better place for everyone. These religions have created unimaginable turbulences since they were instituted. We can’t count of wars, bloodshed, hatred, bitterness etc that have besieged the earth through activities of Christianity and Islam. As these religions are political tools, their main interest is control of people and their resources.


For example, Christianity was actually formed by Emperor Constantine of Rome who wasn’t a Christian. He brought many conflicting religious schisms in Rome to form Christianity as a common ground for unity of worship or ecumenism. He didn’t mind the spiritual implications of what he did.

From hence, Christianity stood out to accredit her allies and branding sects of opposite shades as heretics. Since Islam had same motive of exercising political and economic control over nations, both of the groups entered into unabated war that spilled to every corner of the earth.

What about the good promises from these religions?

All their promises to take people to heaven are ploys to hookup the gullible. Both sects are in frontier of promotion of idolatry, worldliness, materialism and immoralities. These sins block humanity from beholding the beaming face of Yahweh for fortunes and goodness. As the sects blocked and demonized all available spiritual paths, they succeeded on stiffing ways of scientific and technological discoveries. Africans are highly affected because they blindly accepted all unscriptural and non-spiritual cock and bull stories as their doctrines and dogmas.

When two rogues that are disturbing a town go into extinction, what do you think will happen? The town will know peace.

Until that day when sons and daughters of men will take bold steps for their spiritual emancipation by moving back to Acts of Prophets, Yahoshea and Apostles as reawakened through Prophet Yahmarabhi of this era, people can’t sleep with their eyes closed. The reigns of immoralities and impurities that were imposed on humanity by these idol sects had grossly weakened the entire institutions of the globe. The best solution is to abolish both sects from human race.





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