September 16, 2024

Councillorship pulls: US based Akalite endorses Agunaechmba.

1 min read

The political ambition of High Chief Eddie Ikwubuo who is vying for the councillorship position of Umuaka Ward 1 last week received a sound endorsement as a high profile Akalite based in the United endorsed the ambition and urged the APC delegates to vote for High Chief Eddy Ikwubuo.

Mr Eze Iheme disclosed this in one of the community whatsapp groups in Uba Umuaka last week while reacting to various whatsapp voice messages by the Agunaechemba himself.

In his views Ikeme wrote, “His wealth of political experience and exposure cannot be overemphasized. He is courageous and cannot forget his people whom he has been fighting for.”

In his conclusion, Ikeme finally made a passionate appeal to Uba APC followers. “l urge all Umuezeala and Obiato people to wise up and put our differences aside and vote for our interests. An outsider cannot be better than our own who is the most qualified to represent us. There’s so much at stake and so much to gain if he is victorious in this coming election. We cannot vote against ourselves. Vote High Chief Eddie Ikwubuo ( Agunechemba Njaba). When he wins, we all win.”


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