December 22, 2024

“Dad was 96 years old not 120.” Chief Emma Kato Owowo.

1 min read

During the requiem Mass for the repose of the soul of the late Chief Gabriel Owowo at St Mary’s Catholic Church, the officiating priest after the celebration of the Mass, called for any member of the Owowo family to give vote of thanks on behalf of the family. The American based son of the deceased, Chief Emmanuel Owowo also known as Kato, stood up from his seat and went for the microphone.

After greetings to the congregation and thanking everyone present, Chief Owowo cleared his voice and said thus: “There is an impression I want to correct please. Forget what is written and what is being peddled around by some people. My dad personally told me that he was born in 1924 which means he was 96 years old and not 120 years.”

People who were present eulogized the courage of Chief Emma Owowo for the correction he made. Someone who was sitting close to an Umuaka Times reporter in the Church confirmed what Chief Owowo said by saying that his father also told him that the late Gabriel Owowo was his age mate and his father would have been 96 years this year if he were to be alive. He wondered where the 120 years of age came from because his dad was not born in 1900.



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