February 23, 2025

Dorothy Okoro fights hard to save Igbo language.

1 min read

US based woman of substance, Igbo language and cultural revivalist and high breed Akalite, Mrs Dorothy Okoro also known as Ala Bekee has continued her crusade to save Igbo language and culture from extinction. In a recent publication by Umuaka Times a couple of weeks ago, Mrs Okoro seriously lamented that pride and inferiority complex are the factors killing Igbo language and culture with the support of Igbo youths and new breed parents of Igbo extraction.

After noticing her efforts to make sure the Igbo language and culture do not go extinct, a group of Igbo youths which has shown her seriousness in understanding the Igbo culture and language invited Mrs Okoro to present a keynote address on how to improve Igbo culture and language among the Igbo in diaspora. This was during a workshop by Igbo youths across America who were born in America.

The invitation which was made possible by one of the grandchildren of Mrs Okoro, materialized into a harvest of benefits by the time the woman presented her keynote address.

After being asked several questions about Igbo language, culture, tradition and more, the participants in the workshop really thanked the woman for her time and presentation. Umuaka Times correspondents in America report that both parties were highly fulfilled with a new agenda to intensify efforts to save Igbo language. The workshop was tagged, Do It For the Culture.



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