September 16, 2024

Dr Lolo Nneoma Ngozi Dike gives vote of thanks.

2 min read

The president of Umuezeala Uba women assembly and the host of the recently marked end of August meeting of Umuezeala Uba, Dr Lolo Nneoma Ngozi Dike has issued a vote of thanks to all the persons and organizations that played instrumental roles towards the success of the 2024 August meeting of the group.

Speaking with the Umuaka Times local affairs correspondents who covered the event in Umuezeala Uba last week, Dr Lolo Dike first thanked the Almighty God for his love and mercies towards “ndiome Umuezeala”. The president also thanked the reverend father who celebrated the Mass for the women and the good prayers from him and his team of altar boys.

Another set of people who was thanked for her role was the medical team that built the capacity of the women and later administered some drugs to them after a careful medical examination. From what Umuaka Times gathered during the program, several women received medical attention from the medical team after some crucial health talks.

The Umuezeala men and the chairmen of each clan in Umuezeala were also recognized and thanked for their immeasurable roles and support. In her own words, she simply put it thus:

“I would like to take this great opportunity to thank all our husbands, family members, friends and well-wishers, special donors and our special invitees who graced the event both in person and in spirit.”

On the last but not the least, the famous and resilient ndiome Umuezeala were the next group of people whose roles towards the event were seriously acknowledged by their president.

The president used the opportunity and prayed to God to protect the Umuezeala women and their entire families to witness the 2025 edition of August meeting.



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