February 7, 2025

Entertainers storm Eze Justin’s Ofala Festival.

2 min read

Despite the heavy presence of several security organizations, “petro- dollar personalities”, royal fathers and members of the bench and bar, another group of people who managed to dominate the Ofala festival of HRM Eze Justin Ezeala was comprised of dancers, music groups, acrobatic showmen and cultural dance groups otherwise referred to as entertainers. These groups which were drown from both Imo State and Rivers State had many guests glue their eyes to their different musical presentations. First were the Obinwanne women dancers who first entertained the people with a match past. It was the royal father himself who took the salute and appreciated the women in their elegantly dressed uniform.

After the match past, the women stormed the arena properly with their musical instruments where they entertained the guests in no small way. As their dance gathered momentum, Mama Onye Eze, Mrs Margret Ezeala, the mother of the monarch joined the women in the dance floor. Her presence did not only attract the attention of her son but it went further to attract the attention of the entire royal fathers at the occasion and the VIP fiends of Eze Justin Ezeala. It was an undiluted Naira rain for her and the Obinwanne women dancers as the VIPs and royal fathers went to the floor to appreciate her with bundles of fresh Naira notes.

The moment they finished dancing, another group from Rivers State took the centre stage and thrilled the audience to their deep surprise. The group’s special costumes covered their entire heads and faces and each of the dancers was clutching two sharp machetes. The machetes were not in any way representing weapons but Umuaka Times gathered that they were used as musical instruments. The use of machetes as musical instruments indeed thrilled the audience.

Oghu dance from Obinwanne men was what surprisingly got some people hooked to the dancers as they wanted more of the oghu. Even Onye Eze himself was in the arena when the oghu dancers were on the stage. Even the Umuaka Times reporters at the event were moved by the spiritual sound of the oghu.

There were also some young female dancers who had a primetime entertaining the audience as well. The number of dance and music groups that thrilled the audience during the 2023 ofala festival of HRM Eze Justin Ezeala was so amazing that almost all the spectators wanted more of the different shows by different groups. Those who witnessed the event described it as an enriching experience and those who did not, actually missed a lot.



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