February 23, 2025

Eulogy to Dee Miss Josephine Duruigbo. By Chief, Bar, Sir, M. N.  Duru KSM.

2 min read

There again, goes another Educational Amazon of the Okwaraojiaku Dynasty. Dee Miss, as she was fondly called, loved and lived education throughout her life. Her passion for education is only second to her love for Jesus and her family. The family landscape is littered with the products of her persistent call and encouragement of the younger generation who took to the rather rough and tough road of education.


Yours truly was one of the beneficiaries of her encouraging ways and would remain forever grateful to her for her numerous advice. She produced three brilliant and dogged lawyers (one deceased and another a professor of law in the US) For one month during my early secondary school days, (just immediately after the civil war), circumstances caused me to be cycling to Nkwere High school, on daily basis to acquire education, Dee Miss readily made available her bicycle with which I would make sure I arrived at Nkwere High school well ahead of other students! I was never late for one day.

People often wondered why I would always insist on visiting with her whenever I was home. Now the truth is out for all. She was an excellent and selfless teacher and a true Christian. She took every slightest opportunity to preach the virtues of education and good upbringing. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace. She will be truly missed by everyone who had contact with her, even for a fleeting moment.




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