January 24, 2025

Eze Anyanwoke: Isiozi Akah, NUPI delegates arrive Nsukwe.

3 min read

Two prominent groups from Umuaka arrived Nsukwe Ubakala in Umuahia South LGA of Abia State during the last Friday burial celebrations of the late HRH Eze Samuel Iheukwumere Anyanwoke. It can be recalled that the highly respected royal father’s late first son, married from Umuakachi in Isiozi Akah Njaba LGA Imo State.

As the reception of guests who came for the burial of the late monarch was gathering momentum and several guests were arriving, Umuaka Times reporters were on the lookout to welcoming Umuaka guests. In two buses, the Isiozi in-laws first arrived at the palace of the late onye eze and were welcomed by their Nsukwe in-laws. Umuaha Times gathered that the Isiozi delegation was led by the royal father of the community HRH Eze Victor Ijeoma.

Another group of persons that graced the event was New Umuaka Project Initiative NUPI. The group was led by the former global administrator of the organization, Dr Austin Agbahiwe. Umuaka Times local affairs correspondents who covered the event report that both NUPI and Isiozi delegates shared almost the same canopies as they sat very close to each other. In about an hour’s time, their daughter, Dr Gertie Chiweta Anyanwoke who many like to address as “Eziada Triple High Chief Dr Mrs Princess Gertie (‘Buchi) Chidiebere Anyanwoke,” came out to greet her people and the NUPI delegates as well. After the exchange of pleasantries, kola nuts were presented to them and the event fully kicked off. Dr Anyanwoke was busy going from one canopy to another just to make sure that things went as planned as she was determined to make sure that her people, friends and more were properly taken care of.

Soon there was an unlimited supply of food and drinks to the two canopies occupied by NUPI and Isiozi delegates. The Isiozi women also took to the floor to display their dancing skills in their cultural dance.

About a couple of 2 hours later, the Isiozi delegates called for the attention of Dr Anyanwoke and she came. They thanked her for the great hospitality and fun they had and presented to her about 12 crates of beer they brought as a form of appreciation to support.

In her response, Dr Anyanwoke who came in the company of a member of Anyanwoke’s family thanked the Isiozi persons and Eze Victor Ijeoma for making out the time to come and stay with them. She prayed to God to lead them safely home when going home.

After the presentation by Isiozi Akah, NUPI officials also came to greet and thank the electrifying lady. She first introduced some NUPI members to Mr Uche Anyanwoke who came with her. Dr Austin Agbahiwe, a former leader of NUPI, took time to extol the virtues of Dr Anyanwoke and made the people of Nsukwe to understand that Dr Gertie Anyanwoke “is a jewel of an inestimable value” and a first class eziada Umuaka people don’t joke with. He acknowledged that the people of Nsukwe are really taking care of her and he joked that time shall come when they would be expected to come for a fresh traditional wedding for her as she is still looking like an under 20 girl.

Agbahiwe finally thanked everybody from NUPI who made it to Nsukwe. Dr Chimeka Anyanwoke also expressed her heartfelt appreciation for the role NUPI played by coming to keep her company on this special.




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