October 22, 2024

Eziokwu worshipers in Umuaka celebrate Emume festival.

2 min read

The traditional worshippers of Eziokwu Afor Umuaka deity on Saturday October 19 2024 gathered at Afor Umuaka to celebrate the traditional Emume festival. Emume festival is a yearly celebration by Eziokwu worshipers which is held in the month of October to thank the Eziokwu Afor Umuaka deity for protecting Akalites both in and outside the country.

By 12 midday, the worshipers of the deity had arrived and were all seated to receive instructions from the soul spiritual leader of the Eziokwu deity in Umuaka, Nze Marcel Obiagwu. Nze Obiagwu is also known as the first son of Umuaka. In his opening speech, he welcomed all the worshipers and thanked them for coming for the event. He also told the audience that as the Chief Priest of Eziokwu Deity, It is his duty to coordinate the events of the day.

In few minutes time after his opening speech, Nze Obiagwu went further and disclosed to the audience that he came with about 5 ofo (native bible), starting from Ofo Ala Umuezeala to Ofo Eziokwu. He showed the whole ofo(s) to Umuaka Times and finally told the audience that several other communities were yet to arrive with their ofo.

After the introduction of the ofo segment, the next on the list of activities were prayers and sacrifices. Umuaka Times watched keenly how the chief priest and his assistants slaughtered several ewu na okuko and sprinkled their blood on the whole ofos scattered on the ground. This segment took time because almost all the villages in Umuaka Ebe Iri had their representatives who took time to offer prayers and sacrifices for their respective villages as well.

By the time the prayer session came to an end, the whole worshipers stood up and embarked on praise and worship songs to praise and thank both Eziokwu Afor and mummy water.

Another segment of the event which attracted attention was the presentation of a lecture on the sociology of Igbo people by Dr Chinedum Enwerem the president of Mezie Igbo socio-cultural group. The guest lecturer lamented seriously how churches have now become where wealth is displayed. He further lamented the rate of Igbo women who dress half naked on the streets of Igboland. He asked several Igbo churches why they have maintained a blind eye towards nudity by Igbo women in their churches.

Before the event came to an end, Nze Marcel Obiagwu passionately appealed to Akalites not to allow Igbo cultural heritage to be swept under the carpet by intruders and church goers. He reminded the people of Umuaka that the only thing that identifies any human being today is his or her culture. He thanked all the guests and the Eziokwu worshipers for creating out time to attend the historic event.





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