January 31, 2025

Family and friends in shock as Austin Agbahiwe announces wife’s death.

2 min read

From the day the death of Mrs Frances Nkechi Austin Agbahiwe was announced as breaking news by Umuaka Times on 14 July 2024, friends, family and colleagues have continued to show sympathy and provide moral and psychological support for the bereaved family. At first, the news came as a rude shock to Akalites and to those who knew the deceased. As events unfolded, family and friends had no option than to believe the news and reach out to Dr Austin Agbahiwe personally and registered their condolences.

Mrs Nkechi Agbahiwe passed on in France after a brief illness according to what Dr Austin Agbahiwe disclosed to Umuaka Times few hours before the death was announced.

Dr Austin Agbahiwe who is the administrator of American Cancer Hospital in Nigeria has been receiving visitors in his base in Owerri from the date the news of the death of his wife was announced. Agbahiwe has touched many lives positively both as a banker and as the administrator of an international hospital in Nigeria. Just few days after the bad news hit the internet, a committee of friends was set up on whatsapp digital platform named Austin Agbahiwe Mourns Wife Mrs Francis Nkechi Austin-Agbahiwe. By last week Friday when Umuaka Times took a glance at the group, more than 625 persons had so far been added to the list of members.

The Whatsapp group has the following personalities as the admins; Baba Awuzie, Dr Favour Awuzu, Ambassador Hippo Nwachukwu, Barrister Joy Nwadike, Hon Ozioma Worship and Engineer Vice Onyemepu etc.

A member of the group who spoke with Umuaka Times late last week told the local affairs correspondents of the newspaper that the purpose of creating the group was to gather any form of support to Dr Agbahiwe and the members of his immediate family members at this most trying and difficult time the family is passing through.

Going through the list of persons who made it to the group shows that several high profile politicians, bankers, top government officials, clergymen, university dons and those from the organized private sector as well as royal fathers are in the group. More than 40 percent of those in the group has sent condolence messages to the Agbahiwe family.

From highly dependable sources Umuaka Times came across last week, no date has been fixed for the burial of the woman who was a devote Christian mother.



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