December 28, 2024

Former mental health patient nowhere to be found.

2 min read

The mentally deranged young man who was said to have received healing in Afor Umuaka on Friday June 12, 2024 after a marathon prayer session by a supposed man of God is nowhere to be found. It can be recalled that after the “healing” took place, the pastor told the mental health patient that he (the pastor) would be vising his family immediately after the healing. Shortly after the message from the pastor, both of them boarded a commercial motorcycle and zoomed off.

From the date of the event, many people who witnessed the prayer session have asked Umuaka Times to give them updates about the whereabouts and mental state of the young boy but no concrete evidence of his new health status seems to appear.

Umuaka Times on her own part has initiated some moves to get more facts about the present status of the boy who was said to have received healing. The only information available to the newspaper as at press time last week was that the young boy has been kept in a prayer camp in Orlu owned by a popular Catholic Reverend Father for further spiritual cleansing and close-monitoring.

Last week, efforts made by Umuaka Times to locate both the young pastor and the patient proved abortive. Although the pastor was said to have visited Umuaka within the week and left after a few hours.

For now, Umuaka Times is still in search of new evidence to reveal the mental health status of the deranged fellow. The newspaper cannot confirm anything authoritatively as it stands.



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