January 21, 2025

Good bye Dum Dum the Social Man.

2 min read

The motorcade conveying the corpse of Chief Dennis Nnadozie Nwokedi, the man known to many as Social Man, Dum Dum, Enyioha and old soldier, was so long that many would mistake it to be that of a governor or an ex-president being given a state burial. Hold-ups and traffic logjams characterized the journey from the mortuary to the family house.

While the motorcade kept growing, the Apams ambulance services and their undertakers had already reached at the first port of call which is the palace of His Royal Highness, Eze Francis Ahanotu, the Iyi 1 of Amiyi Akah. At the palace, the entire Amiyi Akah Council of Chiefs with their monarch were all seated and waiting for the great arrival of the man who has been described at certain quarters as someone who worked for the progress of his community.

The ambulance negotiated and entered into the big compound of the palace and other top personalities and vehicles followed immediately. The Council of Chiefs welcomed the Enyioha to the palace and many who witnessed this event were all in sorrowful mood when the monarch of the community was talking about the man Chief Dennis Nwokedi.

After an interval of about 20 minutes, off the motorcade took again to the family house of the Nwokedis. The body shortly afterwards was laid in state and the family members led by the first son of the family, Gburugburu Dona Nwokedi also known as Eze Ndi Igbo. In a short while, the master of the ceremony, Chief Louis Duru announced that it was time for the church service and all took off to the St Paul’s Catholic Church Amiyi Akah.

Shortly, the church service began and the officiating priest, did not waste time to preach about the type of life lived by the Enyioha and how he demonstrated his love to people. The priest reminded the congregation of the need to amend their life styles and embrace God who has the solution to all problems. Soon after that, the requiem Mass ended and the journey began again for the interment at the family compound. The moment the people arrived to the family compound, rain suddenly started to fall. Mourners who came from several parts of the country to witness the burial were so much disappointed on the development but their disappointment ended about 10 minutes later when rain makers hired for the event suspended the rain permanently. It never rained again until the event came to an end round 7 pm.

The officiating priests did not waste time to start the Christian rites of passage for the sage. In few minutes time, the undertakers were ready to lower the casket for the 88 year old man who was known by many and loved by many. The journey that lasted for 88 years came to an end.



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