January 22, 2025

“Gossiping has made me a millionaire.” Tosin Silverdam.

6 min read

Many people call him all sorts of names ranging from the gossip boy of Nigerian journalism, Instagram bad boy, devil’s radio child to the chief priest of gossip and many more. But then again, Oluwatosin Silver Damolekun, the CEO of Silverdam Media and the name behind the electronic transmission of gossip senses and less senses in Nigeria remains what he is. The graduate of mass communications from the Olabisi Onabanjo University has made himself the powerful watchdog of celebrities in Nigeria and most of them are indeed afraid of his amebo mouth.
When Umuaka Times team of reporters cornered the youthful Tosin last week for an exclusive interview, he told the team that he is not afraid of any celebrity in Nigeria because he speaks nothing but the plain truth about their actions and inactions.
In this Umuaka Times exclusive interview, the “gossip chief priest” spoke a lot about how gossip journalism has changed his life and how some celebrities want to “bribe” him with friendship. Perhaps, it is time for the celebrities to appreciate Tosin, the watchdog of celebrities in Nigeria because an anonymous proverb says, “Appreciate those who gossip about you, it is not easy for someone to leave their problems and carry yours on their head.”

Give us a little backgrounds about yourself.
Well, my name is Oluwatosin Silver Damolekun, I’m from Kogi state, last born of the family of 3 males. I’m in my early 30s, born and brought up in Ikorodu, Lagos.

What about the schools you attended?
I graduated from Olabisi Onabanjo University where I studied Mass Communication.

How was growing up like?
I grew up with a single parent and that’s my mum. Growing up was quite fun and I had everything I wanted thanks to my mum who did everything for me and my brothers. I never lacked while growing up.

Who were your childhood heroes and “sheros”?
My mum will always be my hero or “shero” as you may say.

How did you find yourself into social media journalism? was it anambition or it came by happenstance?

The social media thing started during the lockdown period, I was still working with one company then. Out of boredom, I started doing Tiktok videos and I was lucky one of my contents went viral and that was how I started growing.

Why did you choose gossip journalism as your first choice?
I love gossip and I’ve always been a fan of a lot of gossip blogs, gossip news. Honestly, I started these gossip of a thing on social media out of boredom and it was during the lockdown period, I was just catching cruise. Then I felt like I wanted to do something different because most gossip are on blogs or papers.

So how many people are doing what you are doing?
No one is doing what I’m doing, I love gossiping.

So you mean you are the father of electronic or internet gossip journalism in Nigeria?
For the fact that I even studied mass communication makes it easier for me. Moreover, I’m a trained journalist.

In one of your gossip talks, you claimed that some celebrities have blocked you on Instagram and went further to open proxy accounts to continue to be following you, can you explain further?
Yes! So many celebrities blocked me for no reason, just because I gossiped about them. Funniest part is that some of them use another fake account to monitor my page to see if there is any gossip about them, (general laughter).

Many people have accused you of being very nice to people like Davido and “fighting” people like Bob Risky. What is your take on that?
That’s not true, I’m not biased. I say it as it is. If you mess up I’ll talk about you, if you do well, I’ll also talk about you. I have favorites but that doesn’t mean I won’t talk about you when you really messed up.

If what you said is true, can you be truthful enough and tell us why you always attack Bob Risky?
I’m not hating or fighting Bob Risky, I’m a fan of his.

For real? So why do you always mock him then?
He makes me laugh and cringe too. Bob Risky is a content and yes we all know he or she lies a lot. We call it cruise anyway (laughter).
But all other cross dressers tell big lies too. In fact, someone told Umuaka Times that telling lies is an integral part of being a celebrity in Nigeria.
Most celebrities lie just to remain relevant, it’s not a new thing. That’s why I said when you mess up, I’ll talk about you. Even though Bob Risky’s lies are so many.

Have you wondered how the celebrities you gossip with their names feel?

I don’t know how they feel, I’m always saying the truth. I don’t gossip to damage people, what I do is blogging. I would never damage anyone, I only gossip. Moreover, they are public figures, people will always talk about them, either good or bad.

Ok Tosin, this one is simple: You don’t fear that one day you will be slammed with a big libel suit by one of the celebrities in Nigeria?

No one can sue me as long as I’m always careful, I’m a trained journalist so I’m always careful. I would never lay false accusations against anyone, it’s not my thing. That’s why I’m always using the word “allegedly”
Back to your brand of journalism, someone said that you even gossip more than Linda Ikeji.
This gossip was never the plan, it was all impromptu. I needed to do something different, no one has ever done my style of gossip in this country, I’m the first to do it and I’m very good at it. Nigerians love gossip and gossip sells, good thing is that my own gossip is funny as well which makes it fun.

Has gossip journalism changed you in anyway positively?
Gossip has changed my life in so many ways, the popularity and especially the money as well. I’m a multi millionaire, got my first car via this gossip thing. The growth has just been so beautiful to watch, I recently left my job to concentrate on blogging and gossiping because I was making more money from it.

You mean that Tosin the Gossip Boy of Nigerian journalism is now a millionaire? (General laughter). So how do people feel when they spot this young millionaire on the road and at events?
The reaction has been awesome, so many will hug, praise me and take pictures or videos with me. While it can be weird too.

Because some will just be staring and pointing fingers. Although, I’m not a fan of this popularity because I don’t have freedom to do the things I used to do without someone staring or looking. I’m always conscious now. This is sad indeed.

How do you appreciate celebrity life?
Celebrity life is not for me honestly.

Any threat so far from celebrities or their cronies?
No threats, celebrities sef wan be friends with me.
Really? maybe they want to bribe you with friendship so that you will not talk about them. (General prolonged laughter).
Can you predict where you and your organization will be in the next 3 years?
I honestly cannot say where I’ll be in the future, I can’t predict the future. What I hope for is growth and more success.
Tell us the names of people who have so far helped you or patronized you so far.
So far so good, no one has helped me. It has always been me and my God. If your content is good, you will definitely grow and people will love you.
That is amazing. But then again, Umuaka Times will soon have another evening with you soon. Keep the good job.
You are also doing a good job. Keep it up.


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