January 25, 2025

Hon. Kizito Duru: Not so. I am the appointed interim PG.

2 min read

After Umuaka Times had a brief interview with Chief Kelechi Ezike last week on who is the president-general of (Uba) Umuaka community, the newspaper also went a step further to balance the story by also having an interview with Hon Kizito Duru, the man appointed by the Njaba Local Council as the new PG of the community.

During the interview, Hon Kizito Duru also known as Obama maintained in outright terms, his position as the only and officially recognized president-general of Umuaka in the interim by the current government in the state.

Obama pointedly told Umuaka Times that as far as the Njaba Local Council chairman, Hon Emeka Ihenacho has appointed him as the interim PG of Umuaka community, he would remain the interim PG pending when he will receive another directive from the chairman or even the state government for further actions.

Hon Duru who has always maintained that he never lobbied for the job of PG also told Umuaka Times that Chief Ezike despite the fact that his tenure has been altered, still has the right to accept the name PG if people address him so, and that does not translate to mean that he is still in office.

From the time the appointment of Hon Duru became effective a couple of weeks ago, he has been working as the PG of the community and has also been calling for meetings and people have been attending to such meetings. Like Chief Ezike, he has been able to record a number of successful strides in the community too. For now, there is  a population of indigenes made up of loyalists, advisers and supporters who believes in the leadership of Hon Kizito Duru. This population cuts across the youths, the elderly and students.

Despite all the confusion and controversies on “who gets what, when and how,” Duru has been able to record a good number of followers who believe in him and are ready to work with him.

The two PGs are seriously working to put Umuaka community in a better shape and position to attract more developments.


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