January 22, 2025

How Chief Theophilus Ojinnaka was laid to rest.

2 min read

The ambulance conveying the remains of the late Chief Theophilus Nwokoro Ojinnaka Okwaraojiaku, the Akuzonu 1 of Umuaka did not waste any time when it got to Umuaka because of time constrains. Already the Umuezikoha Council of Chiefs and many other dignitaries who had come to pay their last respect to the late prince were already awaiting the arrival of the corpse at the gate leading to the Ojinnaka royal compound.

In few minutes time, people were wailing and crying as the corpse arrived home. After lying in state, the ambulance and the motorcade zoomed off to St Mary’s Catholic Church for the requiem Mass. Most of the dignitaries at the funeral also followed the ambulance to the church.

When the congregation had gathered, the priest started the Mass and shortly went into the gospel after the first and second readings. In his sermon, he reminded the world on the need to live by Bible principle and the need to be remembered for good deeds and fear of God. He warned the congregation  not to allow the attractions of the world to prevent them from making heaven at last.

In few minutes time, the Church service came to an end and home, the people headed for the internment.

At the graveside, the priests prayed for the repose of the soul of the man who lived a very simple life and few minutes later, the remains of late Chief Theophilus Nwokoro Ojinnaka Okwaraojiaku, the Akuzonu 1 of Umuaka was laid to rest for eternity.


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