February 23, 2025

“I felt the death of my brother 24 hours before his death.” Mrs Celestina Duruakubuo.

2 min read

Mrs Celestina Duruakubuo, an Ugbele woman married in the Duruakubuo family in Isiozi Umuaka is a highly spiritual woman. Mrs Duruakubuo who is the elder sister of Mr Nduwuba Christo Iwuchukwu Durakuzuruahu who died recently of heart attack can indeed hear from God. When Umuaka Times visited her in Isiozi to console her over the death of her younger brother, she was happy to welcome the Umuaka Times team and while speaking to the team, she confessed that she indeed had the signs that death was coming for her younger brother.

According to her, the day before her brother died, she had concluded to visit him the following day but very early in the morning, a bad messenger arrived. The messenger was indeed a carrier of bad news. When Mrs Duruaku saw the messenger, she knew that all was not well with the family. He messenger then told her that her presence was needed in her father’s house in Ugbele because her younger brother was seriously sick.

Already, she had had the signs 24 hours ago. She only decided to follow the messenger home just to confirm her fears. On getting to their house, she noticed a big number of people wailing and crying. She then confirmed her fears without asking anyone.

While speaking to Umuaka Times, Mrs Duruaku recounted the existing love between her and her younger brother which has lasted for ages. She prayed God to give her family the fortitude to bear the loss.



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