January 31, 2025

Ibele town stands still as Lolo Grace Ugodiya Okoh is laid to rest.

2 min read


Tuesday August 27, 2024 was a great day in Ndiokwu Ibele in Njaba LGA. The family of late Sylvester Mmadu Okoh (Aba-Aghashia), laid to rest, the remains of late Lolo (Mrs) Grace Ugwodiya Okoh, a devoted Christian mother who was also known as Mama Volunteer by many. By the time Umuaka Times reporters arrived at the mortuary section of Umuaka Community Hospital, several youths, family members and friends were already waiting for the mortuary attendants to present them with the necessary documents before taking home the corpse.

In no small time, the first son of the deceased Ambassador Cosmos Yahzitere Okoh, a high profile theologian and the founder of the famous International Organization of United Nations Volunteers IOUNV, spoke with Umuaka Times correspondents who covered the event.

Shortly after the brief interview with Umuaka Times, the casket containing the body of late Mrs Grace Ugodiya Okoh was wheeled into the waiting ambulance SUV and the final journey home began immediately.

According to how the burial program was planned, the remains of the late Mama Volunteer were first taken to her father’s family compound in her natal home of Dioribe village of Amiyi Akah as a sign of paying homage to the deceased. On arrival at the compound, she was immediately greeted by 4 gun salute before the ceremonies began.

The eldest son in the family came out, greeted the people and prayed for the repose of the soul of the dead. After the prayers, another son of the family took a bottle of hot drink and poured libation round the ambulance and the people chorused a heavy amen.

Again, the journey began. This time around, the destination was Ndiokwu Ibele. The youths of the community were already waiting in the Okoh family compound and when the motorcade arrived, the youths did not waste time to keep her body in the room for lying in state. After other ceremonies, the anchor of the event, called the immediate family members of the Okoh family to go and see the remains of their wife, mother and Mama Volunteer for the last time.

Other community members and organizations then followed. At the end of the session, everybody moved straight to St Andrew’s Catholic Church where a requiem was celebrated for the repose of the soul of the famous Christian mother.

Immediately the requiem Mass came to an end, the congregation took off to the Okoh family compound again where the remains of the late Mrs Grace Ugwodiye Okoh (Lolo Aba-Aghashia) were laid to rest after spending an eventful life that spanned for 86 years on earth.



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