February 7, 2025

Josephat Ojikeya condemns pastors’ overemphasis on tithing.

2 min read

High profile Akalite and diasporan Nigerian Bible based preacher, Mr Josephat Ojineka has condemned in outright terms the unending and embarrassing emphasis Nigerian pastors lay on tithing as well as the emotional blackmail and threats the pastors have devised to compel worshippers to part with their money. Speaking with Umuaka Times correspondents in Dublin mid last week, Ojikeya wondered why those who have convinced the world that they were called by the Almighty Father in Heaven would abandon the gospel of salvation and focus their time and energy on tithing, forgetting that the Holy Bible seriously warns Christians about the love of money.

According to him, “The energy our pastors devote to tithing in today’s churches is enough to convert more people to God on weekly basis if properly channeled to the message of salvation.”

Asked if it is a must for all Christians to be paying tithe, Ojikeya disclosed to Umuaka Times that there are conditions attached. “For example, a Christian who has no job is not expected to be paying his tithe. What about students and disabled beggars and sick people in various hospitals? What of those in prisons? Giving tithes is an obligation for Christians. Yes I encourage it, but nobody should be compelled or “charismatically” blackmailed over tithing.”

On the threat by some “pastors” that those who do not pay their tithes will not enter the kingdom of God and they will have their businesses crumble, Ojikeya told Umuaka Times that such claims are not a part of Biblical revelations about tithe. He further encouraged Christians to disassociate themselves from any preacher who preaches what the Bible does not say.

Ojikeya blamed Christians for the ways some self-acclaimed men of God take them for a ride. “You see, you have your Bible and you know how to read and write but you have refused to read your Bible and some fraudulent pastors have cashed in on the opportunity to market the figments of their imagination to you as the Word of God. Please blame yourselves.”

Ojikeya appealed to Christians all over the world to continue to pray for fake pastors and other men of God to repent and give their lives to God before it is too late because there is no repentance in the grave.



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