January 28, 2025

Klubb88 pays condolence visit in Mbieri.

1 min read

Klubb88, a group of old boys association from High School Umuaka who graduated in 1988 last week paid a condolence visit in Mbiri where one of her members, Engineer Gordian Obinna Ahanotu was holding the burial of his mother, late Mrs Rose Chilaka Ahanotu.

By the time Klubb88 members arrived at St Ben Catholic Church where the reception was held, many people and groups had already seated in the VIP canopy and Klubb88 went comfortably and set on the table designated for her members.

After some minutes, Engineer Ahanotu came and greeted his fellow classmates and welcomed them heartedly. In about an hour’s time or thereabout, the group invited Ahanotu and consoled him and gave him words of advice on how he can bear the loss. He confirmed to his fellow classmates that he had received a bank alert containing some undisclosed sum of money which came from the group.

In his response, Ahanotu thanked the members of Klubb88 and displayed his love for the group. He prayed to God to lead the members home safely at the end of the event.



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