March 10, 2025

Life and fun gradually returning at A-Line in Afor Umuaka.

2 min read

Life may soon return fully to the world famous A-Line in Afor Umuaka which used to be the greatest entertainment hub in the then Umuaka community and her environs. During the last Christmas celebration when Umuaka Times local affairs correspondents visited the area a couple of times, several fun seekers were seen sitting down on their drinking tables with a lot of drinkables and eatables. This was a prove that A-Line is most likely going to bounce back as soon as possible.

For over a period of 25 years, A-Line dominated the entertainment and relaxation centres in Umuaka. The place used to serve as a physical Facebook of some sort where Christmas returnees from Umuaka, Ekwe, Amandugba, Amurie Umundugba, Okwudor, Awo, Orodo, Afara and Umunoha used to meet those whom they have lost contacts over the years.

Sadly enough, the groove at A-Line fizzled out due to some reasons which had to do with armed robbery and other forms of insecurity. When A-Line fell, Amakor community took the shine and grew larger than the once famous A-Line; Amakor became the next “new found land” and all the Easter and Christmas fun seekers moved to Amakor. The then insecurity in the state also affected Amakor in a way as well and Amakor fell.

The 2023 December which had come and gone was celebrated with almost a zero record of violent crime activity in Umuaka, showed that one of the major reasons that established the sudden collapse of A-Line was largely based on insecurity. As insecurity in the state is gradually dying little by little, life is also returning at A-Line little by little. If the security recorded in Umuaka during the 2023 Christmas activities can be sustained, the 2024 Christmas in Umuaka will certainly create a serious boom in A-Line, despite the heavy presence of high profile hotels in Umuaka Municipal Council.



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