January 31, 2025

McDonald Duruchukwu Marks Memorial for Grandmother.

2 min read

Uba Umuaka born socialite and Paris based businessman Mr McDonald Nnoma Duruchukwu popularly known as Doppa on Saturday September 7, 2024 held a high profile memorial for his grandmother who died a couple of years ago. The event which was held in the spacious Duruchukwu’s compound in Umuonyiriegbe Umuezikoha Uba Umuaka attracted several people both from Umuaka and beyond.

Despite the heavy downpour which almost affected the event, family and friends still managed to grace the memorial ceremony. The epoch making remembrance for the late Mrs Lolo Urewuchi Mary Duruchukwu Okwaraojiaku Onyiriegbe, also known as Nne Uregod kicked off around 12 midday. Several groups such as community representatives had comfortably taken their seats and were waiting for the next action. Umuaka Times correspondents in the locality recorded that men and women from Oboro Amurie, Ekwe community, Amurie Omanze, Umuonyiriegbe and the entire Umuezikoha were all seated in their separate canopies during the ceremony.

When all had seated, the Duruchukwu family presented kola nuts to their guests and in few minutes time, the kola nuts were blessed and that officially signaled the opening of the event.

One after the other, each canopy was served properly and the guests all prayed for the soul of the late Mrs Lolo Urewuchi Mary Duruchukwu Okwaraojiaku Onyiriegbe, also known as Nne Uregod to keep resting in peace. The presence of local chiefs, Christian community in Umuezikoha was noted by Umuaka Times during the ceremony.

McDonald Duruchukwu who breezed in from France to hold the memorial for his grandmother was busy welcoming his friends, family and others who came in from far and near.




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