September 29, 2024

N50m empowerment: Umuaka Charity Foundation names 10 ambassadors.

2 min read

A sum total of 10 ambassadors have been selected among Akalites to represent the interest of each village from Umuaka Ebe Iri at the senate of Umuaka Charity Foundation, UCF. The decision was reached after the organization founded by Mazi Iwuaku Iwuchukwu, a businessman and philanthropist based in Angola held its general assembly meeting online last week.

Umuaka Times correspondents who monitored the meeting fully gathered that each of the ambassadors was selected based on the philanthropic character and gestures of the appointees over the years.

In no special order, the following Umuaka born philanthropists, were nominated and approved for the positions to represent their communities. HRH Eze Mike Nnaka, UCF Ambassador representing Achara. HRM Eze Justin Ezeala, UCF Ambassador representing Obinwanne. Chief Kenneth Ikenna Egeolu, UCF Ambassador representing Amiyi Akah. Chief Ikenna Duru, UCF Ambassador representing Umuele Amazano. International footballer Emmanuel Emenike, UCF Ambassador representing Amakor. Chief Chris Akuzuruahu (Eze Mmuo) UCF Ambassador representing Ugbele and Chief Charles Osu, UCF Ambassador representing Ibele.

The patron of the organization is HRH Eze Francis Okechukwu Ahanotu. Umuaka Times gathered that all the appointees were nominated and approved based on their personal and or family track records towards assisting Umuaka community over the years.

Others who the foundation is yet to receive their confirmations are Uba (Chief Chris Nwachukwu), Chief Emeka Odueze, Isiozi Akah and Chief Emeka Ohanekwu Obeakpu.

For now everything is set for Umuaka Charity Foundation to empower 100 youths in the community.

Umuaka Times appeals to Akalites etc to support this program and reduce crimes in the community.



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