February 8, 2025

Nigeria emerges the most prayerful country in the world.

2 min read

A Washington D.C, based institution and non-partisan think-tank, known as the Pew Research Centre (also referred to as Pew) has ranked Nigeria as the second most praying country in the world. The position taken by Nigeria according to the research centre, got 95 percent praying rate.

Umuaka Times correspondent in Washington D.C reports that a couple of years ago, in a research conducted between 2008 and 2017 by the same Pew Research Centre, Nigeria emerged as the number one most prayerful country in the world.

From indications in 2023, Nigeria lost its position to Afghanistan which scored 96 percent. Findings by the research centre show that developed countries pray far less than underdeveloped countries with Chima just scoring almost zero percent. The report concludes, “In the average country across 105 surveyed, about half of adults (49%) say they pray every day, including majorities in sub-Saharan Africa (75%), the Middle East and North Africa (70%) and Latin America (62%).

Prayer frequency varies widely across Asia. Fully 96% of Afghans and 87% of Iranians – both overwhelmingly Muslim populations – report praying daily, reflecting a global pattern of high levels of prayer in Muslim-majority countries (prayer is one of the Five Pillars of Islam).

Daily prayer is also very common in Hindu-majority India, where 75% pray daily, but it is much less common in some other parts of Asia, such as Vietnam (14%) and China (1%).”

The most prayerful countries are listed below in the order of their seriousness.

1. Afghanistan: 96%, 2. Nigeria: 95%, 3. Algeria: 88%, 4. Senegal: 88%,

5. Djibouti: 87%, 6. Iran: 87%, 7. Iraq: 87%, 8. Niger: 87%, 9. Indonesia: 84%

The list below also shows less prayerful countries.

1. China: 1%, 2. UK: 6%, 3. Switzerland: 8%, 4. Austria: 8%, 5. Czechia: 9%,6. Germany: 9%. 7. Estonia: 9%, 8. France: 10%, 9 . Denmark: 10%.

2. As at press time last week, high profile men of God and several “Daddy G.Os” across the country were yet to react to the findings by the group.


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