December 21, 2024

Njaba, Isu residents in pains over bad roads.

1 min read

The residents of Njaba LGA and Isu local council must by now be wondering why their communities seem abandoned by the state government in terms of road constructions and repairs. The reason for this is seriously connected to the state of roads in some of the local councils Umuaka Times visited last week. In a video documentary Umuaka Times released some days back, it was shown in the video that Umuaka Amaigbo Road and Umuaka Ukwuorji road are facing total dilapidation and road users are reportedly undergoing pains plying through such roads.

While driving from Umuaka to Isu LGA via Umuaka Amaigbo Road, there are three major bad spots in the Umuaka side of the road. These spots are deep enough to sink a lorry or a trailer carrying a container according to someone who spoke with Umuaka Times last week. Residents who live along the roads complained to Umuaka Times that they are the worst hit because the bad roads have somehow affected their means of livelihood and family activities.

From Umuaka Times findings, it is the responsibility of Imo State Government to fix the roads in question because they are state roads. Each of the roads visited last week, cut across some local government areas of the state. It is on this note that some of the residents appealed to the state government to come to their rescue.



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