October 18, 2024

Nnamdi Chibuzor Egbunugha for burial on Aug 2.

1 min read

Information reaching Umuaka Times from the South Sudan correspondents reveals that Mr. Nnamdi Chibuzor Egbunugha has died after a brief illness. Mr. Egbunugha who was based in South Sudan died in Lagos a couple of weeks ago.

His funeral arrangements have been scheduled to hold on Thursday 1, 2024 in his compound in Umuehiri Umuele where there will be a Christian wakes night and service of songs. Kick-off time is by 7pm. The following day being Friday August 2, 2024, a funeral Mass will be held for the repose of his soul in his family compound in Umuehiri Umuele Amazano Autonomous Community Njaba LGA Imo State. The take-off time is 12 midday.

Nnamdi Chibuzor Egbunugha was until his demise, a businessman based in South Sudan. He was 42 years of age. Akalites in South Sudan and other parts of East Africa have been in painful mood from the date his death was announced.



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