January 24, 2025

Normalcy returns in Umuaka as Orlu Owerri Road is finally tarred.

2 min read

Several businesses that went off the commercial radar for several months in Umuaka Municipal Council as a result of the construction of Orlu Owerri Road are bouncing back little by little. The Umuaka Times correspondent who visited the road confirmed that residents in Umuaka, and business owners in the area have started to reopen their shops that were closed for several months due to the toxic dust emanating from the road during its construction days.

Emeka (not real name) told Umuaka Times that he has a car wash firm where he works. For several months, he never went to shop because of the dust. “Now I can feel ok and a bit relieved as the company has tarred the road beyond Afor Umuaka.”

From Akwakuma in Owerri to Umuaka, the road has been put in good shape by Cranborg, the construction firm handling the project. There is no single gallop or potholes as one drives.. A smooth ride is guaranteed from Owerri to Umuaka to the old timber market where they construction is yet to complete. So far, people are happy over the new state of the road for now. There happiness also has some reservations attached. The dismantling of the famous Umuaka Roundabout by Craneborg which was replaced by a dangerous U-Turn has been deeply criticized by stakeholders in the community. It is said that many residents in Umuaka Municipal Council especially, those within the Afor Umuaka environment do not have enough respect for traffic rules.

The dismantling of the roundabout is seen by many as an open invitation for motoring accidents. The U-Turn which replaces the roundabout, is said to be done in a way that it attracts and encourages many to drive against traffic. To follow the traffic rules, those coming from Ugbele or Ama Ihesie who are crossing towards Hilltop Primary School are supposed to get to the front of Unity Motor Park and do a U-Turn but, they usually consider that a waste of time and a long distance. Instead, they drive against the traffic and do a U-Turn in front of former 1212 Bar and Restaurant.

Umuaka Times gathered that so far, accidents and near accident experiences have been recorded at the U-turns. It appears that the Craneborg firm has no plans to fix sizable speed breakers or bumps on the road in order to reduce over speeding on the road.

As the tarring of the Orlu Owerri Road continues to gather momentum, it is generally believed that before the next 3 months, the Umuaka axis of the road may be completely put in order.



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