February 23, 2025

Obinwanne begins aggressive fight on mkpuru mmiri.

2 min read

The Obinwanne Autonomous Community in Umuaka Njaba LGA has begun an aggressive and grassroots fight against the distribution, sales and consumption of the deadly substance otherwise known as mkpuru mmiri. Since the news from the social media and mainstream media hit the streets around Igboland a couple of weeks ago, many communities across Igboland embarked on several measures to fight the scourge including the use of illegality and extra judicial punishments.

While appealing to Umuaka Municipal Council to begin a fight against mkpuru mmiri 3 weeks ago, the publisher of Umuaka Times Darlington Ojy Onwukwe in a voice note in Umuaka Times Institute, urged all the royal fathers and presidents-general in Umuaka to begin their fights. From what Umuaka Times gathered last week, Obinwanne community has emerged as the first and perhaps the only autonomous community in Umuaka to establish an aggressive fight against mkpuru mmiri. While speaking with an Umuaka Times correspondent last week, Chief Celestine Agu, the Traditional Prime Minister of Obinwanne Autonomous Community and also the Ekwembiriba of Umuaka, disclosed to Umuaka Times that the community has started a big fight that would leave no stone unturned on mkpuru mmiri.

Umuaka Times gathered that a stakeholders’ meeting has already been held in the community towards achieving an mkpuru mmiri free Obinwanne. Chief Celestine Agu told Umuaka Times that the community would aggressively fight mkpuru mmiri from its roots by fishing out those who deal on the drug so as to stop the supply. According to him the youths of the community have also been commissioned to work with the stakeholders to make sure that no seller of the illicit drug remains in the community.

“In Obinwanne, we do not have much consumers. Our main focus is on the sellers and hawkers. We have  established on many methods to fight it. Soon, we will print posters and handbills and warn those who come in here to buy mkpuru mmiri that it is no longer business as usual. We must make sure that nobody here is associated with mkpuru mmiri.”

From all indications, Obinwanne Autonomous Community will hold more meetings and  enlightenment campaigns on how to make the community a safe place for their youths and all. Thanks to the robust leadership of HRH Justin Ezeala.


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